Friday, September 10, 2010

Moral Issue #2

The news article I read about was about Rev. Terry Jones planning to burn a bunch of Quran’s on September 11,2110. This act was to symbolize his hatred towards the Muslim faith and to make a statement about 9/11. Some people ask whether or not he was doing from a religious aspect or just wanting to get attention. I can understand where he is coming from but at the same time, all Muslim’s are not out to kill people. I think that he is in a since just out for attention.
In my opinion Rev. was truly upset about 9/11 and just wanted something to take his anger out on. He could have planned to express his anger in a more rational way though. The only thing he is going to get by burning the Quran is a bunch of angry Muslims. Just because it was the Muslims who bombed the sights of 9/11 that does no mean that all Muslims are out to get people. The preacher should be putting things into perspective and quit generalizing about bad people.

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